Welcome Letter
Dear Woodworth Elementary Families,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to the start of this school year as much as I am. This is my first year as principal of Woodworth Elementary, but it will be my twenty-third year as an educator with Leslie Public Schools. The people in
our community make Leslie such a treasured place to be, and I look forward to continuing our partnership.
Your child’s teacher will provide you with specific information about your child’s classroom, but I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you some building-wide information.
● Please fill out all necessary paperwork (free/reduced lunch, information packet) and return it to our office as soon as possible.
● Morning drop off will continue to be in the front loop using Doors 1 and 13 for all Pre-Kindergarten through 4th grade students. Preschool teachers will share their specific drop off procedures with preschool parents.
● Afternoon pick up will continue to be in the front loop for all 1st through 4th grade students. Kindergarten students will loop by Door 3 at the corner of the building. In order to provide the safest, most efficient pick up process, please stay in your car and allow teachers to deliver your children to you. Please fill out the QR code questionnaire when you arrive (available at Back To School Night).
● There will be a weekly email with upcoming dates and important information. Please also “like” Woodworth’s Facebook page and check into our website (www.lesliek12.net) for more information.
I am looking forward to welcoming our families to Woodworth for many activities this school year! Please plan to join us for Back to School Night August 17 from 4-6 pm. More information will be coming about our academic family nights, celebration breakfasts, holiday parties, and music programs. Please also
consider connecting with our Parent-Teacher-Organization (PTO).
There are a few things you can do to make sure your child has a successful year: make sure your child is at school on time as often as possible, encourage him/her to read and interact with books daily, and ask your child to share their school day experiences. If any questions or concerns pop up, please feel free to contact me. I am looking very forward to partnering with you during your child’s academic career at Woodworth!
Respectfully yours,
Kristin Phillips