LMS Enrollment Documents
Leslie Middle School Enrollment Information
Required Documentation for Enrollment:
Birth Certificate
Proof of Residency (refer to list on Student Enrollment Form)
Immunization Records
Home Language Survey
Consent for Disclosure of Immunization Information
Please complete the following forms:
Confidential Student Enrollment Form
Request for Records
Permission Form
Concussion Awareness Educational Material Acknowledgement Form
Agreement for Acceptable use of Technology Resources
Optional Forms:
Homeless Information (Reading Material - Action May be Required)
Volunteer Consent Form (Required to Volunteer at Leslie Public Schools)
Medication Authorization (Required if Medication is to be administered at school)
Michigan Immunization Requirements (Reading Material Only - No Action Necessary)
Going Green Letter (Required if you wish to receive paper mailings)
School of Choice Forms:
Change of Address / Residency Verification Forms: