High School Solo and Ensemble Festival
This is a unique experience for students, grades 9 through 12, wanting to perform a solo or ensemble (group) piece and to get feedback on their performance by highly qualified and respected adjudicators. This is the best way to advance your individual musicianship beyond the classroom.
If you are a student or group interested in performing at Solo and Ensemble this year, please contact Mr. Greenwood as soon as possible to sign up. The cost is $8 per student and the deadline for signing up is Wednesday, November 29th, 2017.
Festival Piece Rules
1. Your instrument must be of standard band family (no guitar or electronically amplified instruments)
2. Each student is limited to 3 events total. *This does NOT mean you must play 3 pieces, just that you cannot play more than 3.
3. Solos do NOT need to be memorized
4. If accompaniment is written for your piece, it MUST be played by a capable accompanist. *You are responsible for finding your own accompanist.
5. Your piece must be AT LEAST 2 minutes in length.
6. You must come to festival with an ORIGINAL copy of the piece for the adjudicator.
District Festival Date
2/3/18 - Haslett High School
State Festival Date
3/17/18 - East Lansing High School